Avin Pack Carton Company
Avin Pack Carton Company, with many years of experience in the field of producing various types of cartons and export and domestic packaging boxes. By using a variety of suitable and advanced machines, can help and guide you in proper and stylish…

Production simple cartons
Production simple cartons is done at the customer and requires dimensions such as lenght, width and height and does not have a special shape, ie there cartons are basically square or rectangular and are called mother cartons, whose resistance…

Design and production of tea packaging
Design and production of tea packaging in Iran ins a one of the best teas produced in the world and is an old and popular drink of various people types f tea such as white, green, oolong, red, powder, yellow, flower, etc. which are mostly cultivated…

colors and effect on product packaging branding
colors and effect on product packaging and branding: one of the tools that packaging designers use to attract the attention of customers is the use of colors in the packaging of products. Therefore, using different colors in packaging plays…

Garment packaging and review of successful samples
Garment packaging and review of successful samples can be significantly important because due to the colorful role of the fashion and clothing industry in todays world of clothing, like other products, there is no need for practical and beautiful…