Packaging symbols have become an important part of marketing and product identity. Today you see these symbols on almost every products. Due to increasing in consumer awareness, through the packaging symbol, it convey all the important and necessary information as well as information about products which have been purchased.
Another major reason for widespread use of symbols packaging is that products leading to the global market are on the rise, which means that these signs help us maintain a particular product or mental during shipment. And provides us with the necessary safety tips regarding the content of the package.
Fragile products
This symbol is to indicate that the product inside the package id fragile and should be handled with care.

Static packaging symbol of the product
The symbol on the packaging means which part of the product should be facing up so that the product inside the box is not damaged, and the symbol is more visible when loading goods.

Careful shipping packaging symbol
The symbols means that the desired products is transported with caution.

Packing symbol of product storage conditions
This symbol is basically found in loading package and its meaning is to keep the package away from rain or wet condition.

Product temperature packaging symbol
This symbol is usually seen on the package of food or beverages and indicates at what temperature the product should be stored.

Product quality packaging symbol
This packaging symbol has a Q letter attached to a phone, which means that if you are not satisfied with the product, you can contact the product support department for guidance and troubleshooting.

Customer satisfaction
It is a symbol of customer satisfaction and is actually the voice of the customer. If the consumer is dissatisfied with the product, he can express his dissatisfaction through this symbol and contact the producer of goods and return the product.

This symbol indicates an exclamation mark with a triangle and its located the center and is commonly used to warn of allergic.

Product guide packaging symbol
This symbol means that you can refer to the product manual in the package for more information most product today have this manual and this packaging symbol.

Product packaging period marks
This symbol indicates how long the product should be used after the first time it is used. This symbol is mostly used to cosmetics.

Trash bin (Tidy man)
This symbol is often known, and fully acquainted with it, and it means that you throw your trash into a garbage, and most of it seen in the packaging of food, medicine, health products and etc.

Product recycling
The symbol shows the product is recyclable and reusable, and sometimes it also indicates the product.

Separated electrical waste from other waste
The trash can symbol on the cross indicates that the product should not be placed in the public bin. You can see this symbol clearly u=in most of the packaging of electrical products.

Health apple
The health apple symbol is the symbol of the license made in Iran and the license to enter the domestic markets, this standard is mandatory and must be included on all packaging of cosmetics, medicines, and food equipment. The symbol contains internal standards.

The content of the package are not suitable for children.
This symbol is mostly used for children toy boxes, the number on the symbol indicate what age group this toy is suitable for and also indicates that the content of the box are not convenient under 3 years age.

Product expiration date
This symbol is placed according to the date on the package and shows the product’s expiration date and the duration of its use.

Flammable packaging symbol
This symbol is mostly seen on sprays and sunscreens and incendiary substances are highly flammable.

Freezable packaging symbol
This symbol is used for food products and indicates that food must be frozen.
Away from sunlight
Direct sunlight has been proven that reduce the quality of goods and products in most cases which needs to be shown to seller and customers with a specific symbol

Not use washing machine
There are some items that should not be put in the washing machine. Some of these items are clothes and some are included with clothes that should not be put in this washing machine. This symbol is placed on the packaging of clothes without a cross, which means that it must be washed with a washing machine.

Inappropriate icon for microwave
some products generally should not be applied in the microwave, ignoring this issue will cause an explosion which is very dangerous.

warning symbol
Exclamation symbol is represented by a triangle and an exclamation mark in the center. it is usually used to warn a bout allergies.

Standard symbol
This symbol was proposed with the approval of the law and scales in 1304 year (1925) due to the necessity of determining the characteristics and monitoring the quality of exported and imported goods, the creation of an an official organization was considered. in 2013 with the approval of the law establishing the standard and industrial research institute, the institute started its work within the frame work of the set goals and responsibilities and chose this symbol for the standard of the products.

food symbol
The content of the package is 10 pieces: this sign is mostly seen on food packaging which changes the number of these signs depending on the product. here it means that the contents of the packages are 10 pieces.

Freezer pack symbol
As you know so far, the symbols are taken from the nature of the earth and this symbol which is a sign of a snowflake promises the consumer that the product is suitable for freezing.

Freezable packaging symbol
This symbol is used for food products and indicates that the food should be frozen.

in this article, we talked about some of the most important packaging signs in packaging, some special symbols on goods belong to a specific product and its use is rarely done and some of them are general and used as templates for most goods.
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